Military facilities

美 [ˈmɪləteri fəˈsɪlətiz]英 [ˈmɪlətri fəˈsɪlɪtiz]
  • 网络军事设施;军事建筑
Military facilitiesMilitary facilities
  1. The Relative Problem Analysis and Suggestion of Environmental Impact Assessments of Military Facilities Construction Items


  2. Opening and developing military facilities .


  3. Present Status and Further Development of Stealth Coatings for Military Facilities


  4. Second , American military facilities and weapons in Philippine military bases .


  5. But he warned that " they could be turned over to military facilities " .


  6. Cities and businesses in the region have grown around that base and other military facilities .


  7. Concrete was used in a wide range of applications in the structures of military facilities because of its good performance .


  8. During the occupation period , Germany constructed a large number of military facilities , which has high value now .


  9. The Israelis fear that Hamas may use the materials to build military facilities and step up attacks on the Jewish state .


  10. Underwater diver has been an important threat to the targets such as : port , dock and some military facilities .


  11. Fire control work for military facilities , underground parts of mines and nuclear power plant shall be monitored and administered by their competent units .


  12. I felt relaxed on the scene of the army exercises , happily oblivious to the heavily guarded military facilities around .


  13. Health Minister Olivier Veran says military facilities have been used to ease the burden of hospitals facing patient capacity saturation due to the coronavirus outbreak .


  14. The news report says the agents had posed as businessmen and used cameras , and global positioning systems to take pictures and draw maps of key military facilities .


  15. And it was hard to see the detention of four Japanese construction-company employees on mysterious charges of photographing military facilities as mere coincidence .


  16. While cutting down large numbers of personnel , the Chinese armed forces have transferred part of their military facilities to local authorities or opened them to the public to support the country 's construction .


  17. In recent years , our country has already begun to adopt MIL-STD-1553B standard protocol in the R & D of military facilities such as new fighter plane , destroyer , etc. .


  18. Shortly before dawn on Sunday , Georgia 's Interior Ministry said that Russian bombers had begun striking military facilities adjacent to the civilian airport at Tbilisi .


  19. In live-fire exercises swift to destroy Philippines " to me first fleet . " a ship or an island after the military facilities , China Sea Fleet slowly return .


  20. Those who sabotage weapons and equipment , military facilities or military communications are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention or control .


  21. Those who have sacrificed so much deserve our deepest appreciation and respect , but they also deserve and should expect our best care and support when being treated at our military facilities .


  22. The author mainly conducts a research on it from such aspects as site selection of the Original Town , dependence on natural screens , military facilities of the capital and surrounding areas , and spiritual defense .


  23. Also playing a role in winning support was a generous package of aid and economic measures for the island , along with a promise to accelerate the return of some former U.S. military facilities to the prefecture .


  24. Major radioactive waste from nuclear military facilities left over from radioactive waste , nuclear power plants annually produce radioactive waste , as well as radioactive waste nuclear fuel cycle facilities and nuclear technology applications such as radioactive waste .


  25. US military facilities with 15000 personnel on six bases in Italy " provide unmatched freedom of action and are critical to our ability to project stability into the Mediterranean , Middle East and North Africa " , Ms dibble wrote .


  26. Direct and essential military support facilities ;


  27. Royal Barracks are military training facilities backed by the ruling treasury , necessary to recruit elite units with exceptional outfitting costs .


  28. Attacking enemy in depth from sea ( especially submarine ) was more and more attached importance to in modern war , and the main military economy facilities of enemy was immersed in palsy .


  29. Early Wednesday , for instance , Malaysia 's air force chief denied saying he had told local media that military radar facilities had tracked the plane to near a rocky outcrop on the other side of Malaysia , in the Strait of Malacca .


  30. In the real time image processing , the elimination of image rotation is a practical image processing technology , whether in the military or civilian facilities have been widely applied .
